1. General Blackjack Pershing And Muslims
  2. General Black Jack Pershing In Mexico
  3. General Blackjack Pershing- Def
  4. General Black Jack Pershing Muslim Terrorists
  1. 11 things you probably didn't know about WWI General John 'Black Jack' Pershing from CoJMC on Vimeo. Pershing's hometown of Laclede, Missouri, was invaded by Confederate bushwhackers just before his 4th birthday. The guerillas were hunting for his father, who flew the Union flag above his general store.
  2. In fact, “Black Jack,” his nickname, was initially an insult leveled against John Pershing for leading African-American troops. However, while many people may know these and other facts about General Pershing’s distinguished military career, few have heard about the devastating deaths of his wife and three daughters.

General Blackjack Pershing And Muslims

The installation of the Venustiano Carranza regime in Mexico City did not result in lasting tranquility with the United States. Events became so chaotic that the State Department issued a warning to U.S. citizens living in Mexico to leave the country. Thousands took the advice. One of Carranza’s allies, Francisco “Pancho” Villa, turned against the new president, claiming with some justification that Carranza was not making good on his reform pledges. Villa himself was a rascal, an enormous self-promoter and an occasional champion of the underprivileged. Villa was initially engaged in a struggle on behalf of the government against rival forces. He became the darling of Hollywood filmmakers and U.S. newspapermen by granting open access to his campaigns. Some claimed that he actually staged battles for the cameras and publicity.

United States Army General. He is remembered world-wide for serving from 1917 to 1918 as the commander of the American Expeditionary Forces on the Western Front during World War I. Born in Laclede, Missouri, he was the son of a railroad switchman.

General Blackjack Pershing

Villa's horizons broadened considerably when he began to seek control of the Mexican government for himself. His method was to weaken Carranza by provoking problems with the United States. On January 10, 1916, his forces attacked a group of American mining engineers at Santa Ysabel, killing 18. The Americans had been invited into the area by Carranza for the purpose of reviving a number of abandoned mines.

General Black Jack Pershing In Mexico

Pancho Villa’s men struck next on March 9, by crossing the border to attack Columbus, New Mexico, the home of a small garrison. The town was burned and 17 Americans were killed in the raid. War fever broke out across the United States. Senator Henry F. Ashurst of Arizona suggested that “more grape shot and less grape juice” was needed, a none-too-subtle indictment of the teetotaling secretary of state William Jennings Bryan.

GeneralGeneral black jack pershing pics

President Wilson abandoned 'watchful waiting' and appointed General John J. “Black Jack” Pershing to head a punitive force of 12,000 soldiers to locate Villa — dead or alive. Carranza was not enthusiastic about the incursion of an American army onto Mexican soil, and became even less so the farther south the soldiers marched. Despite several close calls, Villa always managed to escape the larger and better-equipped invaders. An exasperated Pershing cabled Washington: “Villa is everywhere, but Villa is nowhere.”


The chase lasted nine months and finally ended in February 1917, when Wilson summoned the soldiers home in anticipation of imminent hostilities with Germany.

General Blackjack Pershing- Def

A new Mexican constitution had been adopted in January 1917. The document sharply reduced the powers of The Roman Catholic Church and foreigners, which reflected popular disgust with those two elements of oppression. Carranza was formally elected president by a democratic vote and was recognized by the United States. Pancho Villa was a popular hero in many quarters in Mexico, but had also made many enemies over the years. He was ambushed and killed several years later, probably at the instigation of then president Obregon.

See General John J. Pershing. To other Wilson foreign affairs activities. John Joseph 'Blackjack' Pershing (1860-1948) was born in Linn County, Missouri. He was a great American general who led the Expeditionary Force during World War I, and had a hand in many other campaigns during his life. General Pershing was also the Professor of Military Science at the University of Nebraska and taught tactics at The United States Military Academy at West Point. General Pershing was a strict disciplinarian, cold, distant, and demanding, but known well for being fair and just, as well as, being a tireless organizer, and a courageous leader of men.

Career Highlights

  • 1891 - Prof. of Military Science and Tactics, University of Nebraska
  • 1898 - Serves in the Spanish-American War
  • 1901 - Awarded rank of Captain
  • 1906 - Promoted to rank of Brigadier General
  • 1909 - Military Governor of Moro Province, Philippines
  • 1916 - Promoted to rank of Major General
  • 1919 - Promoted to General of the Armies
  • 1921 - Appointed Appointed Chief of Staff
  • 1924 - Retires from active duty Education West Point

General Black Jack Pershing Muslim Terrorists

Just before World War I, there were a number of terrorist attacks on the United States forces in the Philippines by Muslim extremists. So Gen. Pershing captured 50 terrorists and had them tied to posts for execution. He then had his men bring in two pigs and slaughter them in front of the now horrified terrorists. Muslims detest pork because they believe pigs are filthy animals. Some of them simply refuse to eat it, while others won't even touch pigs at all, nor any of their by-products. To them, eating or touching a pig, its meat, its blood, etc., is to be instantly barred from paradise (and those virgins) and doomed to hell. The soldiers then soaked their bullets in the pig blood, and proceeded to execute 49 of the terrorists by firing squad. The soldiers then dug a big hole, dumped in the terrorists' bodies and covered them in pig blood and entrails. They let the 50th man go. And for the next forty-two years, there was not a single Muslim extremist attack anywhere in the world. Maybe it is time for this segment of history to repeat itself? The question is, where do we find another Blackjack Pershing?