Yellow 8 Slot Drain Pipe
PVC Pipe 168 products Non-corrosive, chemically resistant PVC pipe works well in drain, waste, and venting in plumbing applications and also in construction and industrial applications. We used the 8 slot yellow yard drainage pipe to solve a crawl space drainage issues at this home. Check out this video to see how to fix a similar yard drain. Difference Between Baughman's 8 Slot Yellow and 8 Slot Blue Pipe 10% Off of Yard Drain Supplies and Shipping Freight Charges. Use CODE: GRANDOPENING Sale runs from 1/21/20 - 2/4/20 FDM's Online. The 4' 8-Slot corrugated premium yellow pipe is manufactured to an overall higher wall thickness than its counterparts to allow for the same strong stiffness as a pipe with fewer perforations. For larger orders of pipe (over 4 rolls) product and shipping discounts apply. Please contact Robert at After 130 years, Baughman Tile continues to be an industry leader in the single wall corrugated pipe market. Selling its product under the Poly-Drain ® tradename, Baughman has become well known for its signature golden yellow pipe in the agricultural drainage industry. Yellow corrugated pipe has become synonymous with high quality and great value.
Each Slot Drain system includes a specially designed cleaning kit specific to its application.
Slot Drain does not absorb water or contaminates and allows any solids to be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. The only part of Slot Drain that is exposed is the stainless steel surface which can be cleaned and sanitized in the same manner as your floor surface. Watch how easy it is to clean a Slot Drain System.
Slot Drain has been installed successfully in hundreds of applications, satisfying customers and construction professionals alike.
Slot Drain is designed for numerous market sectors. Slot Drain is made to suit your special requirements. Slot Drain provides drainage solutions that are durable, sanitary, aesthetically appealing, easy to clean, load class rated, corrosion and temperature resistant, ADA Compliant and odour eliminating.
8-slot Premium Yellow Corrugated Drain Pipe 100' Roll

Landscape Architecture
8 Slot Premium Yellow Corrugated Drain Pipe
Before Slot Drain, grating, trench drains and four-sloped floors were the standards.
Slot Drain changed surface drainage forever by providing the first pre-sloped, prefabricated drain system. The linear slot eliminates traditional grates that can be weak, trap bacteria and are difficult to clean. Slot Drain is applicable wherever floor or ground surfaces are subject to fluids, or have frequent cleaning requirements.