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PokerPokerLakeside inn poker room

Enjoy a Relaxing Getaway to Mount Dora While Taking Advantage of Great Savings by Booking One of Our Specialty Lakeside Inn Packages or Special Rate Offers Available Throughout the Year


Lakeside Inn Poker Rooms

Lakeside inn poker room facebook

Lakeside Inn Poker Room Facebook

The Lakeside Inn offers overnight accommodations and fine dining in a casual, but elegant waterfront setting for both owners and our special guests. Guests enjoy a beautifully appointed bed & breakfast, gourmet dining and breathtaking views of Tellico Lake and the Smoky Mountains, as well as views of WindRiver’s golf course and a private cove. We are told that Lakeside Inn does not currently run any poker tournaments. Find other nearby poker tournaments here. Have a question about Lakeside Inn? Lakeside’s Poker Room offers Texas Hold ‘Em seven days a week. The poker room is great for seasoned players and beginners. Poker Room Hours:. Opens daily at 6:00 p.m. No Limit Texas Hold’Em Tournament Schedule Sundays at 6:30 p.m. Re-Buy Tournament with Add-on. $40 buy-in: $1,500 Tournament Chips.

Escape Package

For a short getaway to Mount Dora, our Escape Package is just the ticket. Enjoy a three-day, two-night stay in one of our Florida King Rooms accompanied with $20 breakfast dining voucher for each morning ($40.00 value). As part of the Escape Package, you will also receive a welcome bottle of house wine or champagne and a $50 dinner voucher, which may be used in either The Beauclaire Dining Room or Tremain’s Tavern. All taxes are included, gratuities are not.

Mount Dora Getaway Rate

Our lowest rate available for one of our Traditional Florida Rooms with either a king or two double beds. With this rate bed types may be requested, but are not guaranteed.