In movies the key to winning at poker often is reading your opponent’s body language. “I don’t need to look at my hand, I saw you look at yours.” While you can’t make a living solely by noticing when a player reaches for his Oreos after he bets, every piece of information helps. And there is a surprising amount of information available from watching the other players even after you fold, especially in No Limit Texas Hold Em.

How Can I Read Hands in Poker Pre-Flop

You can start with whether the player seems comfortable or uneasy. Are their body and eyes relaxed or does the player seem stiff? Then see if you can find patterns in other players’ behavior, and notice when they deviate from those patterns. What did they do differently and why? Where are they looking? Be careful as well to distinguish how they act when the action is on them, while they are waiting for action and after they act. The same behavior may mean different things in each instance.

Texas Holdem Poker Two Card Hand Frequencies. Both before and after the flop in any limit Holdem game, it is helpful to be able to make a reasonably accurate estimate of the types and numbers of playable hands that you are likely to be competing against. First and foremost, you should want to raise before the flop to get more value with your premium hands. This is a fundamental poker concept that should explain itself. If you think you have the best hand before the flop you want to try and build a bigger pot before you even see the flop, turn, and river. Let’s say you hold a hand like TT+, AQ+.

If you ever wanted to know some of the odds and probabilities of Texas hold'em poker, from the chances of flopping a flush (0.8%) or set (12%) to the odds of an overcard coming on the flop when. May 24, 2019 The strength of your starting hand in Texas Hold'em can help you determine your chances of winning, even before the remaining cards are dealt. From a pair of aces — the strongest starting hand — to a 2 and a 7, knowing the strength of your starting hand is an important part of your success at the table.

Good Poker Hands Before Flop Gif


What are specific things to look for? Well start before the flop by watching other people look at their cards. How long does the player look at their cards? Players that see two Aces tend to keep their hand close to the table and put their hand back down quickly. There is an almost instinctive fear that other people may see their cards. Players looking at hands closer to the bottom of their opening range may lift their cards higher and perhaps look at them a split second longer.

Poker Hands Before Flop

Notice what the player does after they put their cards down. If the player looks at or touches their chips, that may mean they intend to play that hand. Notice how they look at or touch their chips. See if you can discern a pattern correlated to when they raise or call.

And definitely look to your left. The information about what people may do after you act is potentially more valuable since the players to your right will have acted before you. Notice if any of the players look at their hands before it’s their turn to act. If so, then watch them do so whenever you can. If you see that a player to your left is likely to call, you may want to play your drawing hand and see if there is a multi way pot, or raise to chase them out. If you see they are going to raise, you may want to tighten your range. If on the other hand, you can tell they are going to throw away their hand, you might play more aggressively.

Best Poker Hands Before Flop

These are a few basic concepts pre-flop. In the next part, we’ll talk about other things to pay attention to after the flop.