Drive Slot Sensor For Storage Drive Presence Was Asserted
- Oracle® Exadata X8-2 Database Server Service Manual
- Document Information
- Using This Documentation
- About the Oracle Exadata X8-2 Database Server
- Installation Procedure
- Installation Procedure Overview
- Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
- Preparing for Service
- Servicing Storage Drives
- Servicing Fan Modules
- Servicing Power Supplies
- Servicing the DIMMs
- Servicing PCIe Risers
- Servicing PCIe Cards
- Servicing the Battery
- Servicing Processors
- Servicing the Disk Backplane
- Servicing the Front LED Indicator Module
- Servicing the Temperature Sensor
- Servicing the Internal HBA Card and HBA Super Capacitor
- Servicing the Internal HBA Cables
- Servicing Other Cables
- Servicing the Motherboard Assembly
- Returning the Server to Operation
- Identifying the Server Ports
- Setting Up BIOS Configuration Parameters
- BIOS Setup Utility Menu Options
- Monitoring Components and Identifying SNMP Messages
- Index
- Drive Slot Sensor For Storage Drive Fault Was Asserted Dell
- Dell R710 Drive Slot Sensor For Storage Drive Fault Was Asserted
- 810xxxx: Sensor SensorElementName has asserted. (OS RealTime Mod) Sensor SensorElementName has asserted. (OS RealTime Mod) 810xxxx: Sensor SensorElementName has transitioned to a less severe state from critical. (CPU 1 OverTemp) Sensor SensorElementName has transitioned to a less severe state from critical.
- (1U Storage HDD0) The Drive StorageVolumeElementName has been disabled due to a detected fault. (1U Storage HDD0) 806f010d-0406ffff: The Drive StorageVolumeElementName has been disabled due to a detected fault. (1U Storage HDD1) The Drive StorageVolumeElementName has been disabled due to a detected fault. (1U Storage HDD1).
IndexReturn to Main Contents
Drive 0 - Raid Drive 1 - Raid Drive 2 - Hotspare Drive 2 drive slot sensor drive fault detected Drive 0 drive slot sensor drive fault detected After Reboot and Scan with the Megaraid-Administration Tool all three Drives where detected as ready Drives and the System seems to be work. At this time i have no response from the Dell support.
freeipmi_interpret_sel.conf - specify system event log (SEL) interpretation rulesDESCRIPTION
The/etc/freeipmi//freeipmi_interpret_sel.confdefines how IPMI system event log entries should beinterpreted. IPMI system events specify a number ofstates/thresholds when they are read. Based on thosestates/thresholds, libraries and tools such aslibipmimonitoring(3)andipmi-sel(8)can report if an event is 'good' or 'bad' via a report of a NOMINAL,WARNING, or CRITICAL state. A different state can be reported for anevent depending on if it is asserted or deasserted.Each of the states listed below are (hopefully) descriptive enoughto describe the state conditions that may be set/unset for eachsensor or event type. For more detailed information on each of theindividual states listed below, please see the IPMI Specification'Sensor and Event Code Tables'.Ipmi-sensors(8)can be used to determine the sensor types and the states/thresholdsthat exist on a system by outputting very verbose output and seeingwhat types of Assertion or Deassertion events are possible.
Each of the events below may may take 1 or 2 of the following statesas input.
Nominal - Signal Nominal reading if event tripped
Warning - Signal Warning reading if event tripped
Critical - Signal Critical reading if event tripped
If only one state is listed, that state will be interpreted when theevent is asserted or deasserted. If two states are listed, the firststate will be interpreted when an event is asserted, and the laterwill be interpreted when an event is deasserted.
Not all IPMI sensor types and event types are currently supported. Ifyou would like more to be supported, please e-mail the FreeIPMImailing list.
The default values selected for individual events beingtripped are based on best guesses and motherboards being analyzed.If you think they should be changed, please e-mail the FreeIPMImailing list to discuss what the defaults should be.
Most default interpretations can be determined quite easily and canmeet the needs of most users. For example, a reading of'Performance_Met' is normally better than 'Performance_Lags'.However, some sensors can be ambiguous and depend completely on themanufacturer. For example, 'State_Asserted' vs. 'State_Deasserted'are completely at the interpretation of the vendor. Users are advisedto adjust the interpretations below as needed for their machines.
The configuration options that can be specified in the configurationfile are listed below. Each configuration option must be listed on aseparate line. Arguments for an option are separated by any amount ofwhitespace. Multiple arguments are also separated by whitespace.Comments can be marked by using the pound sign ('#') character, andlines can be continued on the next using backslash (').OPTIONS
- IPMI_System_Boot_Initiated_Initiated_By_Power_UpDefaults to Nominal.IPMI_System_Boot_Initiated_Initiated_By_Hard_ResetDefaults to Nominal.IPMI_System_Boot_Initiated_Initiated_By_Warm_ResetDefaults to Nominal.IPMI_System_Boot_Initiated_User_Requested_PXE_BootDefaults to Nominal.IPMI_System_Boot_Initiated_Automatic_Boot_To_DiagnosticDefaults to Nominal.IPMI_System_Boot_Initiated_OS_Run_Time_Software_Initiated_Hard_ResetDefaults to Warning.IPMI_System_Boot_Initiated_OS_Run_Time_Software_Initiated_Warm_ResetDefaults to Warning.IPMI_System_Boot_Initiated_System_RestartDefaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_Boot_Error
- The following states correspond to Boot Error sensor events w/Boot Error specific output events.
- IPMI_Boot_Error_No_Bootable_Media
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_Boot_Error_Non_Bootable_Diskette_Left_In_Drive
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_Boot_Error_PXE_Server_Not_Found
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_Boot_Error_Invalid_Boot_Sector
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_Boot_Error_Timeout_Waiting_For_User_Selection_Of_Boot_Source
- Defaults to Warning.
- IPMI_Boot_Error_State
- The following states correspond to Boot Error sensor events thatreport an assertion or deassertion.
- IPMI_Boot_Error_State_Deasserted
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_Boot_Error_State_Asserted
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_Boot_Error_Transition_Severity
- The following states correspond to Boot Error sensor events thatreport on device severity.
- IPMI_Boot_Error_Transition_Severity_Transition_To_OK
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_Boot_Error_Transition_Severity_Transition_To_Non_Critical_From_OK
- Defaults to Warning.
- IPMI_Boot_Error_Transition_Severity_Transition_To_Critical_From_Less_Severe
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_Boot_Error_Transition_Severity_Transition_To_Non_Recoverable_From_Less_Severe
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_Boot_Error_Transition_Severity_Transition_To_Non_Critical_From_More_Severe
- Defaults to Warning.
- IPMI_Boot_Error_Transition_Severity_Transition_To_Critical_From_Non_Recoverable
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_Boot_Error_Transition_Severity_Transition_To_Non_Recoverable
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_Boot_Error_Transition_Severity_Monitor
- Defaults to Warning.
- IPMI_Boot_Error_Transition_Severity_Informational
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_OS_Boot
- The following states correspond to OS Boot sensor events w/OS Boot specific output events.
- IPMI_OS_Critical_Stop_Critical_Stop_During_OS_LoadDefaults to Critical.IPMI_OS_Critical_Stop_Run_Time_Critical_StopDefaults to Critical.IPMI_OS_Critical_Stop_OS_Graceful_StopDefaults to Warning.IPMI_OS_Critical_Stop_OS_Graceful_ShutdownDefaults to Warning.IPMI_OS_Critical_Stop_Soft_Shutdown_Initiated_By_PEFDefaults to Warning.IPMI_OS_Critical_Stop_Agent_Not_RespondingDefaults to Critical.
- IPMI_OS_Critical_Stop_State
- The following states correspond to OS Critical Stop sensor events thatreport an assertion or deassertion.
- IPMI_OS_Critical_Stop_State_Deasserted
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_OS_Critical_Stop_State_Asserted
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_Slot_Connector
- The following states correspond to Slot Connector sensor events w/Slot Connector specific output events.
- IPMI_Slot_Connector_Fault_Status_Asserted
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_Slot_Connector_Identify_Status_Asserted
- Defaults to Warning.
- IPMI_Slot_Connector_Slot_Connector_Device_Installed_Attached
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_Slot_Connector_Slot_Connector_Ready_For_Device_Installation
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_Slot_Connector_Slot_Connector_Ready_For_Device_Removal
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_Slot_Connector_Slot_Power_Is_Off
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_Slot_Connector_Slot_Connector_Device_Removal_Request
- Defaults to Warning.
- IPMI_Slot_Connector_Interlock_Asserted
- Defaults to Warning.
- IPMI_Slot_Connector_Slot_Is_Disabled
- Defaults to Warning.
- IPMI_Slot_Connector_Slot_Holds_Spare_Device
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_Slot_Connector_Transition_Severity
- The following states correspond to Slot Connector sensor events thatreport on device severity.
- IPMI_Slot_Connector_Transition_Severity_Transition_To_OK
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_Slot_Connector_Transition_Severity_Transition_To_Non_Critical_From_OK
- Defaults to Warning.
- IPMI_Slot_Connector_Transition_Severity_Transition_To_Critical_From_Less_Severe
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_Slot_Connector_Transition_Severity_Transition_To_Non_Recoverable_From_Less_Severe
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_Slot_Connector_Transition_Severity_Transition_To_Non_Critical_From_More_Severe
- Defaults to Warning.
- IPMI_Slot_Connector_Transition_Severity_Transition_To_Critical_From_Non_Recoverable
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_Slot_Connector_Transition_Severity_Transition_To_Non_Recoverable
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_Slot_Connector_Transition_Severity_Monitor
- Defaults to Warning.
- IPMI_Slot_Connector_Transition_Severity_Informational
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_System_ACPI_Power_State
- IPMI_System_ACPI_Power_State_S0_G0
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_System_ACPI_Power_State_S1
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_System_ACPI_Power_State_S2
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_System_ACPI_Power_State_S3
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_System_ACPI_Power_State_S4
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_System_ACPI_Power_State_S5_G2
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_System_ACPI_Power_State_S4_S5_Soft_Off
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_System_ACPI_Power_State_G3_Mechanical_Off
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_System_ACPI_Power_State_Sleeping_in_an_S1_S2_or_S3_States
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_System_ACPI_Power_State_G1_Sleeping
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_System_ACPI_Power_State_S5_Entered_By_Override
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_System_ACPI_Power_State_Legacy_ON_State
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_System_ACPI_Power_State_Legacy_OFF_State
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_System_ACPI_Power_State_Unspecified
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_System_ACPI_Power_State_Unknown
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_Watchdog2
- The following states correspond to Watchdog 2 sensor events w/Watchdog 2 specific output events.
- IPMI_Watchdog2_Timer_Expired
- Defaults to Warning.
- IPMI_Watchdog2_Hard_Reset
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_Watchdog2_Power_Down
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_Watchdog2_Power_Cycle
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_Watchdog2_Reserved1
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_Watchdog2_Reserved2
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_Watchdog2_Reserved3
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_Watchdog2_Reserved4
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_Watchdog2_Timer_Interrupt
- Defaults to Warning.
- IPMI_Platform_Alert
- The following states correspond to Platform Alert sensor events w/Platform Alert specific output events.
- IPMI_LAN_HeartbeatDefaults to Nominal.IPMI_LAN_Heartbeat_LostDefaults to Warning.
- IPMI_Management_Subsystem_Health
- The following states correspond to Management Subsystem Health sensor events w/Management Subsystem Health specific output events.
- IPMI_Management_Subsystem_Health_Sensor_Access_Degraded_Or_Unavailable
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_Management_Subsystem_Health_Controller_Access_Degraded_Or_Unavailable
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_Management_Subsystem_Health_Management_Controller_Off_Line
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_Management_Subsystem_Health_Management_Controller_Unavailable
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_Management_Subsystem_Health_Sensor_Failure
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_Management_Subsystem_Health_FRU_Failure
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_Battery
- The following states correspond to Battery sensor events w/Battery specific output events.
- IPMI_Battery_Battery_Low
- Defaults to Warning.
- IPMI_Battery_Battery_Failed
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_Battery_Battery_Presence_Detected
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_Session_Audit
- The following states correspond to Session Audit sensor events w/Session Audit specific output events.
- IPMI_Session_Audit_Session_Activated
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_Session_Audit_Session_Deactivated
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IIPMI_Session_Audit_Invalid_Username_Or_Password
- Defaults to Warning.
- IPMI_Session_Audit_Invalid_Password_Disable
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_Version_Change_Transition_Severity
- The following states correspond to Version Change sensor events thatVersion Change specific output events.
- IPMI_Version_Change_Hardware_Change_Detected_With_Associated_Entity
- Defaults to Warning.
- IPMI_Version_Change_Firmware_Or_Software_Change_Detected_With_Associated_Entity
- Defaults to Warning.
- IPMI_Version_Change_Hardware_Incompatability_Detected_With_Associated_Entity
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_Version_Change_Firmware_Or_Software_Incompatability_Detected_With_Associated_Entity
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_Version_Change_Entity_Is_Of_An_Invalid_Or_Unsupported_Hardware_Version
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_Version_Change_Entity_Contains_An_Invalid_Or_Unsupported_Firmware_Or_Software_Version
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_Version_Change_Hardware_Change_Detected_With_Associated_Entity_Was_Successful
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_Version_Change_Software_Or_FW_Change_Detected_With_Associated_Entity_Was_Successful
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_FRU_State
- The following states correspond to FRU State sensor events w/FRU State specific output events.
- IPMI_FRU_State_FRU_Not_Installed
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_FRU_State_FRU_Inactive
- Defaults to Critical.
- IPMI_FRU_State_FRU_Activation_Requested
- Defaults to Warning.
- IPMI_FRU_State_FRU_Activation_In_Progress
- Defaults to Warning.
- IPMI_FRU_State_FRU_Active
- Defaults to Nominal.
- IPMI_FRU_State_FRU_Deactivation_Requested
- Defaults to Warning.
- IPMI_FRU_State_FRU_Deactivation_In_Progress
- Defaults to Warning.
- IPMI_FRU_State_FRU_Communication_Lost
- Defaults to Critical.
- The following configuration options can be used to configure OEMsystem event log events. Interpretations rules for a specificcombination of Manufacturer-ID, Product-ID, andRecord-Type, are iterated through and the worst resulting sensorstate is returned (i.e. Warning < Nominal, Critical < Warning). If nomatch is found, no state is returned for the OEM event.For each of the configuration options below, <Manufacturer-ID>is the numeric IANA manufacturer ID for the manufacturer in question.The <Product-ID> is one or more numeric IDs representing themanufacturer's product. The <Product-ID> can be listed as asingle numeric number (e.g. 1234), a range of IDs separated by a dash(e.g. 12-20), or a list of specific product IDs separted by a plus(e.g. 12+19+22). Both the Manufacturer-ID andProduct-ID can be found usingbmc-info(8).Multiple <Manufacturer-ID> and <Product-ID> pairs can beinput separated by commas.
- IPMI_OEM_Sensor_System_Event_Record<Manufacturer-ID>:<Product-ID>,... Event-Reading-Type-CodeSensor-TypeEvent-DirectionEventData1EventData2EventData3State
- IPMI_OEM_System_Event_Record can be used to configure a stateinterpretation for a specific Manufacturer-ID,Product-ID, Event-Reading-Type-Code, andSensor-Type combination, and a specific Event-Direction,EventData1, EventData2, and EventData3. TheEvent-Direction field must specify Assertion,Deassertion, or ANY. Each of the EventData fieldsmust specify a hex byte to match or the keyword ANY to matchanything. The Event-Reading-Type-Code and Sensor-Typeneed not be OEM types. They may be non-OEM types and used to provideinterpretation rules for sensors that may be behaving outside thestandard of the IPMI specification.
- IPMI_OEM_Timestamped_Record<Manufacturer-ID>:<Product-ID>,... Record-TypeOEMDATA1OEMDATA2OEMDATA3OEMDATA4OEMDATA5OEMDATA6State
- IPMI_OEM_Timestamped_Record can be used to configure aninterpretation for a specific Manufacturer-ID, Product-ID,Record-Type, and OEM data combination. The Record-Typemust be a legal record type for OEM Timestamped Records (currently0xC0-0xDF). Each of the OEMDATA fields must specify a hex byteto match or the keyword ANY to match anything.
- IPMI_OEM_Non_Timestamped_Record can be used to configure aninterpretation for a specific Manufacturer-ID, Product-ID,Record-Type, and OEM data combination. The Record-Typemust be a legal record type for OEM Non-Timestamped Records (currently0xEO-0xFF). Each of the OEMDATA fields must specify a hex byteto match or the keyword ANY to match anything.
/etc/freeipmi//freeipmi_interpret_sel.confREPORTING BUGS
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Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modifyit under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published bythe Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (atyour option) any later version.
libfreeipmi(3), libipmimonitoring(3), ipmi-sel(8)Index
Drive Slot Sensor For Storage Drive Fault Was Asserted Dell
Dell R710 Drive Slot Sensor For Storage Drive Fault Was Asserted
Time: 17:11:55 GMT, September 04, 2020